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Innovative Initiative Increases Nevada Child Support by $13M

State of Nevada Database Clean-up Project

Second Mile Consulting (2MC) President, Michael Bolton, designed the solution, wrote the proposal, and oversaw delivery of an innovative data clean-up service that was central to a $12.7 million increase in child support collections in the first two years after implementation. Prior to this project, the State of Nevada had over 330,000 distinct employer records in its automated child support system despite an active caseload of just 82,000 child support cases. As a result, new orders were being connected to the wrong employers and child support was either not being paid at all or missed payments were ending up in arrears.

Prior to this engagement, employer database clean-up projects relied on prohibitively expensive mass mailing or outbound phone campaigns that attempted to contact every one of the listed employers to confirm or update their individual record. For Nevada to take that approach would have cost between $1M and $1.5M and taken 24 FTE one year to complete.

Under Michael’s leadership and strategy, a staff of 14 FTE completed the database clean-up process in less than three months for a fraction of the cost of alternative methods and providing the State system with verified employer records for 85 percent of the State’s active and new child support cases. After implementation of the new employer database child support collections for Nevada increased by 18.8 percent per case and the State was awarded the 2013 National Child Support Enforcement Association’s Most Improved Child Support Program Award for “improvements in the federal performance measures over the previous three years”.

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